My Honda CM400T (Or E)

My Honda CM400T (Or E)
This is how my bike looked upon purchase.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thrills & Spills

Well, a motorcycle has a way of teaching you to respect it. That’s for sure. Today, I did some work on it with regard to the exhaust, as there was some smoke coming from the engine. Not difficult, but took some time. Anyway, I decided to ride it a bit so I could be sure everything was fine. And it was.

But I began to get too confident. Stupidly, I did not wear a jacket out riding, though thankfully I was wearing jeans… And, of course, my helmet. I tried riding more quickly and found I had no troubles on the straight roads. Usually, when I corner, I slow right down. But I was getting sure of myself, so I took the corner more quickly that I had in the past. I must have over-steered, because I went down quickly. I got up right away and told a gentleman that had come over to help that I was fine. I rode away with my dignity laying on the pavement. Now, I have fallen from a bicycle while going faster than this, but I still could have injured myself. Thank God for helmets. I will never understand those that do not want to wear them. My arm took the worst of it. There is a nice scrape on my right arm and a smaller one on my hip. No damage to my head, though… No more than I had already, anyway!

This reinforced my decision to take a safety course, because it was a total rookie mistake.

The guy who emailed to see my bike showed up. He likes the bike but is going to see some others. He'll call soon, says he.
So, back to the waiting game.

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